Casiotone VL-1/VL-Tone w case and manual

Casiotone VL-1/VL-Tone w case and manual

Very Good Condition


Casiotone VL-1/VL-Tone w case and manual

Operational condition: Fully-functioning

Cosmetic condition: Very Good with some very light marks on the unit. The battery door doesn’t want to stay on so we’ve put a small piece of scotch tape to help it out. 8 out of 10 condition

Description: the VL-1 is the second Casio model ever made and the first of the battery powered keyboards. It is the definition of the early Casio “bleep bloop” sound and has been used by The Fall, Dee-Lite, Mogul, Trio and many, many others. Its a legendary keyboard that deserves a spot in your studio!