Gibson GA-18 Explorer Tube Amplifier Early 1960s

Gibson GA-18 Explorer Tube Amplifier Early 1960s

Good Condition


Gibson GA-18 Explorer Tube Amplifier Recently serviced!

Place of manufacture: Kalamazoo, MI. USA

Approx time of manufacture: Early 1960s

Power in watts: 18

Power Requirements: 120v attached power cable. Cable has been upgraded to a modern three-prong cable

Operational Condition: Fully-Functional and recently recapped/serviced by a professional technician.

Cosmetic Condition: Good condition with some marks, scrapes and other signs of this amp’s 60 or so years of age. One of the back panels is missing. The Gibson logo is included with the sale but is broken into a few pieces. Overall condition is an 7 out of 10

Description: Gibson’s answer to the tweed Fender Deluxe and man o man, it is an incredible sounding amp and a hell of a value these days especially when compared to the eye-watering prices of it’s Fender counterpart. A goldi-locks, just-right-for-every-situation power rating; lovely harmonics and dimension to the tone, dreamy tremolo and incredible touch sensitivity all await you with this classic underdog. For studio, stage and rehearsal, you can’t lose with this Explorer.